
Showing posts from December, 2020

Ways to Be an Empathetic Leader

Empathy gives your insight into what others are feeling and thinking. Empathy allows you to create and maintain trust with your employees. Even when they are not in the office.  Everyone is worried and stressed right now, but we aren’t all worried and stressed about the same things. Some may be worried about the health of the business. Labour lawyers in Dubai  can let you know some techniques through which you can be an empathetic leader. Ways to Be an Empathetic Leader Below are some effective and efficient tips to be an empathetic leader.  ·          Be Curious about Others Employers often avoid getting too involved in their staff’s personal lives. On one level that makes sense. But it’s hard to know where people are coming from if you don’t know a lot about them. Right now, the more you know about an employee’s personal life.  The better idea you have of whether or not they can continue providing high-quality work at home. Try to get to know your staff, ask them question